Bring FVTC to Your School
Are you interested in having a representative from Fox Valley Technical College speak with your students regarding educational opportunities? There are a number of ways in which we can come to you:
Representative Visit
During a rep visit, students interested in attending Fox Valley Technical College have the opportunity to speak with a recruiter about program offerings, financial aid, credit transfer and more.
Parent Night
Fox Valley Technical College will help you organize an informational evening for high school juniors and their families with representatives from a technical college, four-year public university and four-year private university.
Classroom Presentation
Would you like to have an FVTC representative speak to your class? Do you have a topic in mind? Feel free to request personalized presentations for your class.
High Schools We Visit
Throughout the course of the school year, our Admissions Specialists visit area high schools to answer questions about programs, the application process, financial aid and much more. Please check with your guidance office to find out when we will be at your school. If you are interested in having someone visit, please contact the Admissions Center at 920-735-4740.