Graduate Retraining
Fox Valley Technical College affirms that the education and training offered by the College are designed to enable eligible graduates to acquire occupational skills training necessary for full participation in the workforce. The FVTC Board of Trustees, and with the support of the FVTC Foundation, Inc., is offering graduate retraining which guarantees up to six (6) free credits of additional instruction, plus other student services, to eligible FVTC graduates.
What are the eligibility requirements for graduate retraining?
Graduated from an associate degree or vocational diploma program of at least one year in length.
Applied for graduate retraining within one year of graduation.
Actively pursued employment in that occupational field.
Has not secured employment in the occupational field in which he/she received the degree or diploma.
Has not refused employment in that occupational or related field.
Actively sought assistance from FVTC's Employment Connections.
In addition, employers who hire FVTC graduates may recommend those employees for graduate retraining if they lack the necessary entry-level job skills.