Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Garlys Daboin

Student Spotlight: Garlys Daboin

As a foreign-trained dentist, FVTC offered Garlys the opportunity to get back in the field by becoming a dental hygienist and continue in a career...
Student Spotlight: Aidan O'Brien

Student Spotlight: Aidan O'Brien

Drawn in by the small class sizes and hands-on learning, Aidan found his perfect career path through the Construction Management Technology...
Student Spotlight: Channing Parkman

Student Spotlight: Channing Parkman

Channing decided to pursue the EMT Paramedic program at FVTC after interning at the Rice Lake Fire Department and learning her true passion...
Student Spotlight: Ross Kleinmann

Student Spotlight: Ross Kleinmann

Ross chose the Cybersecurity Specialist program because of his passion for computers and the mix between hands-on lab activities and...
Student Spotlight: Troy Willems

Student Spotlight: Troy Willems

Growing up in a family of IT professionals, the Web Development and Design Specialist Program at FVTC was an ideal choice for Troy. 

Student Spotlight: Hannah Slachetka

Student Spotlight: Hannah Slachetka

Hannah chose the Professional Communications program to hone the skills she needs to prepare her for any career path that she chooses. 

Student Spotlight:  Todd Dorschner

Student Spotlight: Todd Dorschner

With a passion for making technology connect and communicate, the Network Systems Administration program was an easy choice for Todd. 
Student Spotlight: Vanessa Hanagan

Student Spotlight: Vanessa Hanagan

Vanessa chose to pursue Early Childhood Education program at FVTC because of the flexibility that allowed her to work and live locally...
Student Spotlight: Jessica Roberson

Student Spotlight: Jessica Roberson

After helping a family member recover from severe debt, Jessica realized how much she enjoys accounting and decided to enroll at FVTC.