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Have you ever found yourself secretly playing a game on your office computer, only to swiftly switch tabs with Alt + Tab at the slightest sign of your boss approaching? If you’re even a second late, you might end up getting a lecture on work ethics from your boss.

It’s common for employers to discourage such distractions, but what about Facebook, minus the games? Is it possible for employees to remain productive at work while having free access to it? Beyond just games, Facebook can also serve as a platform for self-expression and stress relief during work. So, the question arises: can Facebook be a truly effective tool for managing work-related stress? Let’s explore this topic.

Organizational Culture

In my view, whether employees can access Facebook often depends on the organizational culture. In simple terms, organizational culture encompasses the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of an organization. The level of freedom and trust extended to employees can influence an employer’s decision to limit or prohibit certain non-work related activities.

facebook addiction

Indeed, the greater the freedom one has, the more control they are likely to feel. In the realm of industrial-organizational psychology, the level of control an individual has over their job can significantly predict their job satisfaction and stress levels. Consequently, limiting access to social media like Facebook can reduce employees’ control over their job, potentially leading to lower satisfaction and increased stress at work.

Restricting access to Facebook is often seen as a sign of distrust by employers towards their employees. Moreover, any form of control over employees’ activities can diminish trust. Additionally, such measures may not even be effective given the widespread use of smartphones today.

Facebook Addiction

Similarly to how one can become addicted to gaming, addiction to Facebook is also a possibility. Employers are rightly concerned about employees frequently checking Facebook, which can become excessive and disruptive.

facbook mobile

Complicating matters, Facebook can be more addictive than games due to its dynamic nature—regular updates from friends can be particularly distracting during mundane or repetitive tasks at work.

7 Telltale Signs of Facebook Addiction

7 Telltale Signs of Facebook Addiction

Facebook has become so much a part of our life now that with close to a billion users... Read more

More Than a Game

Facebook transcends mere gaming; it’s a robust social platform. Users can interact with friends, share and view photos, comments, and status updates, and engage actively with their social circles.

Although some experts argue that such platforms do not facilitate genuine interactions, it’s undeniable that people often use Facebook to fulfill their social needs. In our busy lives, could a platform like Facebook actually enhance workplace productivity by meeting employees’ social needs and reducing their stress?

people using facebook

There is an argument that relying on digital communication for social needs might disrupt workplace unity. Could the reliance on Facebook for social interactions diminish face-to-face communication among colleagues? If so, productivity could suffer as some attention is diverted to socializing online rather than fostering meaningful relationships with co-workers.

Solution: Setting Ground Rules?

Given these concerns, might it be beneficial for companies to establish some guidelines? On one hand, employers need to build trust by allowing more job control, as a happy employee tends to be more productive.

On the other hand, it is crucial for employers to ensure that Facebook use does not interfere with work. Facebook’s addictive nature could potentially replace valuable in-person interactions at work.

Clearly, there is a need to find a balance between keeping employees content and motivated to work. What if we designate specific times for activities like checking Facebook, such as during lunch or tea breaks? At this juncture, one might wonder why not completely ban Facebook at work? According to PCWorld, outright banning Facebook at work is not recommended.

One ‘But’: The Rise of Smartphones

With the widespread use of smartphones like iPhones, restricting access to Facebook at work may be futile. These multipurpose devices allow anyone to easily access their Facebook, play games, and more.

facebook notifications

Unless a company is strict enough to ban the use of such smartphones, there’s not much that employers can do. Ultimately, a significant part of the responsibility rests on the employees’ shoulders.

My Two Cents’ Worth: It All Boils Down to Work Culture

Considering it may not be practical to restrict Facebook access, especially as employees today have greater control over their work activities due to advanced technology like smartphones, is there no way for employers to manage Facebook use to maintain optimal productivity?

In my opinion, the most effective way to influence employee behavior is through the organization’s culture. Interestingly, the impact of a strong work culture is often more enduring than the imposition of strict rules and regulations.

facebook at workplace

This is akin to how a country maintains order through laws. When people understand the reasons behind laws, they are more likely to abide by them willingly and feel content with their governance. Conversely, if the purpose of a law is unclear, people might only comply out of fear of punishment, and more are likely to challenge such laws.

Productivity, The Ultimate Goal

Returning to the core issue, in any organization, it’s crucial for employers to foster the right working attitude in employees. They need to understand that the ultimate goal is productivity and, increasingly important, teamwork.

The guideline should be clear: employees are free to access Facebook whenever they like, but not at the expense of their productivity or their relationships with colleagues. With this approach, employees feel trusted to make their own decisions, leading to higher job satisfaction and motivation to fulfill their duties.

Developing a strong work ethic is also vital. If employees routinely access Facebook during work hours without regard for their tasks, it’s likely that this behavior will influence new employees to do the same.

Thus, the importance of building a positive and productive work culture cannot be overstated.

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https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/facebook-in-the-workplace/feed/ 34 10422
Choosing Between “What You Do Best” vs. “What You Like Best” https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/job-proficiency-vs-passion/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/job-proficiency-vs-passion/#comments Fri, 03 May 2024 10:00:02 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=26450 Occupation, profession or what we call nowadays "a job", is one of the most important things in a person’s life. When people started settling in cities and villages, a person’s job defined his status in the society. Surnames like Miller, Smith and Schneider were derived from occupations i.e. Miller (people who worked in mills), Smith…

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Occupation, profession or what we call nowadays "a job", is one of the most important things in a person’s life.

When people started settling in cities and villages, a person’s job defined his status in the society. Surnames like Miller, Smith and Schneider were derived from occupations i.e. Miller (people who worked in mills), Smith (iron workers) and Schneider (dressmaker or tailor). Even today, the influence of job in our life sustains its behemoth significance.

In the professional world there might be some people who are good at their jobs and are fully satisfied with what they do. However, most job holders these days are discontent with some elements of their job.

Proficiency vs. Passion

Here’s an example: a friend of mine suffers from a unique case of job discontentment.

Although she is quite proficient in her work as an iOS developer and is being handsomely remunerated for it, her heart is stuck in pursuing a career in art and graphic design. If she were to leave that well-established career, many would deem her action as utter foolishness.

Still there are some who might tell her to "follow her heart". Hence this article is a kind of "thinking out loud’ post for those who find themselves in the dilemma of choosing a job they are good at versus a job that they actually want to do.

Going with a Job You Are Good At

1. Skill Level

Pros – Being good at a job is synonymous with having a higher skill level in it.

Being the master of the art makes you an important part of the whole mechanics of your organization. Based on your skills, you are able to take up new challenges, work out solutions, and produce profitable results, all of which make your superiors nothing but happy.

Cons – From hardcore skills like engineering and designing to more embedded skills like business development and public relations, every craft has a saturation point.

No matter how proficient you are at doing something, there comes a time when you simply grow out of it. After reaching this level, you just keep reproducing work on already existing skill templates with very little room for learning anything further.

2. Financial Gains

Pros – Who doesn’t like money? When you are good at something and find the right place to put it to use, money comes running after you like crazy.

The story becomes especially interesting when you get paid for something you could easily do in your sleep, i.e., based on your skills you do not have to work too hard to reach your goal.

financial gains

Cons – In almost every career there is a limit on the amount of income you can earn on each level. There are certain careers in which, no matter how high your expertise is, there is not much chance of increased financial gains once you reach the maximum income threshold.

Of course, you can take up after-office freelance work, but it will only leave you exhausted. Moreover, no matter how good you are in your body of work, being paid well for it depends a lot on your luck, apart from your talents. For everyone who is making a good living doing something they are good at, there are countless other equally talented people who are not able to do so just because they didn’t get a good chance to.

3. Career Longevity

Pros – Being adept in a specific field can certainly vouch for the longevity of your career in it.

The better you are in a certain job, the longer you will stay in it, and the longer you stay in a certain career, the greater will your credibility and reputation be. Furthermore, if you are good in your job and you make your superiors realize it, your vulnerability towards a layoff consequently decreases.

Cons – When you are proficient in a job, you tend to stay in it for a long time.

But career longevity can sometimes cause monotony and boredom, especially when it spreads over decades in a row. After all, the days of retiring from a company that you joined fresh out of college are long gone.

Going with a Job You Want to Do

1. Professional Gratification

Pros – There is no match for professional gratification, and what better way to achieve it than doing what you really want to do. Your interest in a job directly spells your devotion and dedication towards it.

professional gratification

Even if you have to compromise a bit over certain other factors, the mere feeling of satisfaction makes up for most of the missing elements. However, in a scenario when you are not able to do the job of your passion, you may keep coming to the office each day, but gradually your energy keeps dropping and your frustration level keeps on rising.

Cons – Professional gratification is a key factor in the success of your career; however, when you are responsible for the upbringing of your family or any other obligations, then moving to a whole new career just because you seek self-contentment could leave you nothing but heartbroken as well as financially broke.

Another downside can be that sometimes being too passionate about work can negatively impact your work-life balance, affecting your health, personal life, and family.

2. Refreshing New Start

Pros – Regardless of how excelled you have become in your job, when you go for the career of your dreams, the new start be like a fresh breeze in your professional life. The new start can revitalize your enthusiasm and can give you fresh-out-of-college energy towards work.

Cons – A job is no joke. Right from the beginning of your life in the professional field, one focuses all his or her energy on getting settled in the field and getting to the top of their game.

If the new start pushes you from the corner office, which you have earned with your dedication and hard work, to a newbie’s cubicle, then the decision of pursuing a new career should be properly calculated before you take the next step.

3. Increased Motivation

Pros – Working in your favorite field makes you more motivated towards your job.

No matter how late you start in a field, the sheer joy of handling certain tasks and the desire to complete tasks with passion, quickly takes you to the next level. This factor plays a key role in getting you to the top of the ladder in a job that you are fond of and consequently shows more motivation in it.


Cons – To get motivated is easy, but staying motivated is where the problem starts. One can easily say catchy phrases like, “fulfil your dreams” and “be your own master”, but to actually commit yourself to doing something every day might be more arduous than you think.

When you take what you love to do and make it into something you depend upon for survival for yourself and your family, the motivation can disappear quickly. Not to forget, turning your passion into a profession means you have clients, bosses, deadlines, and obligations, which automatically takes all the fun out of it.


Some people have a lifelong dream of doing something or having a certain career. However, the unforgiving waves of circumstances can make you make decisions that you might not deem as the right one.

So, is it alright to continue down the path life has taken you, especially when you have so well-established yourself in it, or should you go back and try to have a second go at your childhood dreams? The answer to this question highly depends on your own priorities.

My iOS developer friend has decided to continue her career in development while developing her graphic design interest by learning front-end interface design for iOS apps. The idea is to facilitate a smooth transition into a new career. Maybe, with a little strategy and calculation (and of course, some luck), you too can manage to achieve a bit of both, instead of all of each.

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Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/workplace-communication/ Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:00:14 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=71718 Workplace communication is a living term with dynamic nuances. At its worst, the absence of effective communication can lead to negative consequences such as absenteeism, employee turnover, increased conflicts, low morale, and compromised productivity. According to David Grossman’s findings in ‘The Cost of Poor Communication,’ inadequate information in an organization results in an average loss…

The post Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever appeared first on Hongkiat.

Workplace communication is a living term with dynamic nuances.

At its worst, the absence of effective communication can lead to negative consequences such as absenteeism, employee turnover, increased conflicts, low morale, and compromised productivity.

5 Characteristics of A Positive Work Environment

5 Characteristics of A Positive Work Environment

Aside from the job scope itself, one factor that significantly influences how employees feel about work is the... Read more

According to David Grossman’s findings in ‘The Cost of Poor Communication,’ inadequate information in an organization results in an average loss of $62.4 million per year.

That’s absurd.

And yet, often, we simply allow poor communication to take the wheel.

If you are letting it happen, it’s high time you reconsider your communication strategy, no matter the scale and sector in which you operate.

So, without further ado, let’s find out why you should invest more heavily in workplace communication and how you can achieve it.

What Is Workplace Communication?

Workplace communication is the foundation of a strong work culture. Whether remote or hybrid, effective workplace communication serves as an insightful manual for how your teams interact with each other.

Whether synchronous or asynchronous, these concepts refer to the exchange of information, such as providing and receiving feedback, sharing project information, statuses, and updates, or presenting ideas. Defining your company goals, fostering teamwork, and coordinating various aspects of work are influential factors that drive effective workplace communication.

Some examples of workplace communication include:

  • 1:1 sessions
  • Quick dial-ins
  • Quick messages
  • Team or group meetings
  • Project or task updates
  • Formal presentations
  • Written documents
  • Informative emails
  • Video conferences
  • Non-verbal communication

Why Do You Need to Focus on Improving Workplace Communication?

Effective workplace communication is the backbone of a successful organization.

It ensures smooth operations and synergy among team members, preventing misunderstandings and confusion from evolving into chaotic quagmires.

As a leader, you should not allow these disruptions to waste employees’ potential and efforts.

Investing time in refining your communication strategy yields both short-term and long-term benefits, empowering individuals and teams, and benefiting the organization as a whole.

Let’s explore other ways effective communication can elevate a company’s success standards.

Increases Productivity

According to Harris Poll’s The State of Business Communication in 2023, effective communication is trusted by 72% of business leaders to increase productivity, with 50% of workers agreeing. Improved communication strategies make employees feel empowered, understand their roles, fulfill duties efficiently, and seek collaboration opportunities, leading to smoother operations and faster achievement of results.

Enhanced Engagement

Effective communication fosters an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and respected, increasing trust in management and commitment to the organization. Transparent and regular communication across teams builds cohesion, motivating employees towards achieving company goals.

Reduces Conflict

Lack of communication or clashes of diverse perspectives, cultures, and beliefs can lead to conflicts, misinterpretation, and miscommunication, adversely impacting employee relationships and organizational environment. Refining communication styles prevents the workplace from becoming toxic and ensures information is conveyed and understood accurately.

Improves Retention

According to the Work Institute’s Retention report, the average replacement cost for an employee earning a median salary of $50,000 a year is $16,500. Promoting effective workplace communication is cost-effective as it enhances employee retention, reducing the need for frequent recruiting and training.

Better Collaboration

Effective communication is the basis for collaboration. When everyone is aware of each other’s needs, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, it fosters a supportive environment. Tools like ProofHub enhance collaboration by providing a centralized platform for team communication, project management, file sharing, and task tracking, ensuring seamless teamwork and unified project progression.

5 Key Tips to Improve Workplace Communication

Now that you have a complete understanding of effective workplace communication and its importance, let’s move forward and examine practical tips to enhance communication within your organization.

Improve workplace communication
1. Know What to Say and to Whom

Communication is an art that requires understanding of different communication styles. Being aware of your audience allows you to select your words carefully to be considerate. Consider the medium of communication that best suits the message and the audience, whether it be face-to-face interaction, email, or messaging. Establish clear communication guidelines to ensure messages align with the intended context and content, fostering a close-knit community.

2. Practice Two-Way Communication

Effective communication is bidirectional. It involves listening as much as talking. Keep an open perspective, understand the contributions of others, and provide a space for everyone to be heard without prejudice. Ensure that you reach out to acknowledge and consider every unique perspective, as not everyone will proactively share their thoughts.

3. Be Mindful of Your Non-Communicative Gestures

Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and voice tone, can unintentionally convey messages. Be mindful of these non-communicative gestures during conversations to avoid misunderstandings and project approachability, sincerity, and empathy, especially during challenging discussions.

4. Create a Collaborative Environment

Assess the quality of engagement within your team to ensure it’s genuine and not just superficial politeness. A healthy communicative environment prioritizes psychological safety, encouraging open exchange of ideas, feedback, and thoughts without fear of judgment. Modern workplaces benefit from enterprise communication solutions for internal collaboration, promoting an open dialogue exchange beyond traditional ideations.

5. Use Technological Applications

The adoption of remote and hybrid work setups globally has presented challenges in managing effective communication, especially in a distributed workforce. Utilizing technological tools like Chanty or Slack can streamline communication, serving as efficient alternatives for face-to-face interactions and ensuring everyone is aligned and informed.


Workplace communication has significantly evolved over the years, yet predicting its definitive future remains challenging. Remaining in the comfort zone is not conducive to progress.

Despite uncertainties, improving workplace communication is crucial to ongoing success, as its significance has grown beyond simply exchanging information.

In conclusion, continually enhancing your communication skills is essential to transforming your organization into a productivity powerhouse.

The post Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever appeared first on Hongkiat.

How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways) https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/unleash-creativity-workplace/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/unleash-creativity-workplace/#comments Wed, 20 Dec 2023 07:01:53 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=11079 The need for employee creativity is growing due to rapid advancements in technology. This is clear when observing major companies like Google, who have implemented a "20 percent program." This program allows Google developers to use 20% of their workday to pursue side projects, providing an opportunity for innovative thinking. Google News, for example, is…

The post How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways) appeared first on Hongkiat.

The need for employee creativity is growing due to rapid advancements in technology. This is clear when observing major companies like Google, who have implemented a "20 percent program." This program allows Google developers to use 20% of their workday to pursue side projects, providing an opportunity for innovative thinking. Google News, for example, is a successful product that emerged from this program.

unleash creativity

Some people might believe that creativity is an innate characteristic rather than a skill that can be developed. However, without a supportive environment for expressing creativity, it’s difficult for imaginative employees to generate new ideas.

This article aims to provide strategies you can implement in the workplace to foster innovation among your employees.

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1. Reward Creativity

To inspire employees to think creatively, offer incentives for their ideas. It’s crucial to take their suggestions seriously so they feel motivated to continue contributing innovative solutions. If their ideas aren’t considered, they may see it as a waste of time.

rewarding employees

You can start by setting goals for employees to find ways to improve work processes. For example, each employee could submit one idea per week, and you can evaluate which is the best. Follow up by rewarding the winning employee and, just as importantly, implementing their idea. Rewards can be tangible, such as monetary incentives, or intangible, like public recognition within the organization.

2. Anonymity & Confidentiality

Employees may be eager to share creative ideas but lack the means to express them. While some might feel comfortable speaking directly to management, others may be too shy or hesitant. Providing a suggestion box or similar method allows these employees to submit ideas anonymously and confidentially, fostering a culture of creativity within the organization.

However, some of the most innovative ideas emerge from group brainstorming sessions, where people discuss and debate possible solutions. Relying solely on private channels for idea submission might limit the creative process and prevent those with effective ideas from receiving proper recognition. It’s important to strike a balance between private and public avenues for employees to offer their suggestions.

3. Innovation Teams

One structured approach to fostering creativity in the workplace is to establish innovation teams. Each team can be assigned a specific aspect of the work process to improve, with deadlines set to ensure timely presentation of ideas. If their proposals are exceptional, the teams can be rewarded. This approach signals the organization’s appreciation for work-related creativity.

team creativity

However, some employees might view innovation teams as overly deliberate. Creativity is often seen as spontaneous, arising from moments of genius. The idea of formalized teams could feel like an added burden for those involved, and the focused approach on a single topic might be perceived as too restrictive for creativity to thrive.

4. Foster a Supportive Environment for Creativity

Employees may hesitate to take risks if they’re unsure whether the organization values creativity. It’s essential to steer the company in the right direction and demonstrate that creative thinking is appreciated. This involves being receptive to employees’ ideas and communicating your intent to cultivate a more innovative company.

A key reason employees might avoid thinking unconventionally or proposing different solutions is the fear of potential consequences from making mistakes. Encouraging risk-taking and normalizing it within the organization is crucial. Building a creative culture takes time, but it begins with management being more open-minded and less judgmental toward employees’ suggestions.

5. Promote Diversity Among Employees

When everyone thinks alike, the exchange of diverse ideas becomes limited. Employees with similar backgrounds, qualifications, and experiences create a homogenous work environment. While this might foster team bonding, it can also stifle creativity by limiting the range of perspectives and ideas.

workplace diversity

Instead of imposing strict recruitment requirements, consider being more flexible in your criteria. Hire staff with varied backgrounds and knowledge, and encourage them to collaborate on projects and participate in company events. Organize informal gatherings for employees with different profiles to facilitate the exchange of thoughts and ideas.

6. Cultivate a Positive Work Environment

A overly serious mindset can sometimes obstruct creativity. Enjoying work and feeling relaxed can lead to inspiration and innovative ideas. On the other hand, a stressful or gloomy work environment may hinder creative thinking, with employees simply looking forward to the day’s end.

positive work environment

Psychological studies show that a positive mood can boost creativity. When we’re in a good mood, our thinking becomes more flexible and our perspectives broaden. This open-mindedness allows us to explore alternative solutions. With this in mind, incorporating fun into work through team-building activities or occasional retreats can be a vital component in fostering creativity in the workplace.

The post How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways) appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/unleash-creativity-workplace/feed/ 53 11079
5 Common Types of Bosses and Strategies to Handle Them https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/five-types-of-bosses/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/five-types-of-bosses/#comments Tue, 12 Dec 2023 07:01:29 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=17139 Working in the financial sector for years has exposed me to various kinds of bosses. Some were challenging to work with, yet I was lucky to have mostly supportive ones guiding me. Moving into sales and marketing, I observed that bosses often tried to form a strong bond with their sales teams. Perhaps they saw…

The post 5 Common Types of Bosses and Strategies to Handle Them appeared first on Hongkiat.

Working in the financial sector for years has exposed me to various kinds of bosses. Some were challenging to work with, yet I was lucky to have mostly supportive ones guiding me. Moving into sales and marketing, I observed that bosses often tried to form a strong bond with their sales teams.

Angry boss with employees

Perhaps they saw the sales team as the heart of the company, which is why they took extra care of us. However, that didn’t mean things were always smooth. The sales team sometimes faced tough times, especially when we didn’t meet expectations. That’s when you’d really see what your boss was like.

How to Work Well With Your Boss?

Bosses are people too, with their own likes and dislikes. If you know how to play your cards right, you can work with them, not just for them. I’ve known colleagues who weren’t top performers but kept their jobs because they were on good terms with the boss.

Understanding how to work with your boss is a crucial skill that will help you in any job. It’s a key factor in how far you’ll go in your career. While not all bosses fit neatly into five categories, if you recognize yours here, I’ve got some advice on how you can thrive in your workplace.

1. The Boss with a Superiority Complex

This type of boss often raises their voice and looks for chances to criticize others. They seem to think they’re always right and others are wrong. They’re quick to react, preferring to reprimand someone rather than solve the problem at hand. You’ve probably met a boss like this before.

You can tell by their restless demeanor, not just by their tone but also in their posture. If you glance into their office, you’ll notice they’re constantly moving in their chair. Their presence alone can make you tense, anxious about what they might say next.

boss with superiority complex
How to work with them?

To handle this boss, be ready for some tough criticism. They seem to find satisfaction in seeing employees endure their harsh words. If you can do this without showing that you’re upset by their behavior, you’ll stay on their good side.

However, if you try to outsmart them or challenge them, you could jeopardize your position in the company. You may be better suited to working with a different type of boss.

2. The Boss Who Flaunts Their Power

This boss loves to show off their authority, not just at work but sometimes even at home. They enjoy playing the role of the boss and think it’s the most important job in the world.

They’re overly protective of their position and want to seem like they have everything under control, even when they don’t. They may ignore mistakes made by employees, pretending not to notice them.

boss flaunting power
How to work with them?

This boss values discipline over actual performance, believing that with discipline, performance will follow. If you have a boss like this, it’s best not to break the rules too often. And if you do, try not to let them find out. Show them respect, let them feel in charge, and you should be able to continue your work without issue.

3. The Boss Who Feels Out of Place

This boss seems to have landed the role without being quite ready for it. Perhaps they were promoted due to a lack of other candidates, not necessarily because they had the right skills. They’re that person the management had to rely on, despite other options not being available.

In meetings, they often boast about their previous successes, but when it comes to inspiring the team, they fall short. They emphasize the importance of performance but don’t have the management prowess to back it up. Despite their shortcomings and the quiet jokes about them, this boss is diligent and willing to correct their mistakes.

They lack confidence and struggle to stick with a plan when things go awry.

How to work with them?

Offering guidance to this boss is usually appreciated; it’s a chance to build a positive relationship with them. Don’t expect leniency, though – they’re focused on proving themselves and can’t afford slip-ups, either from themselves or their team.

With time and patience, you may find that they grow into the role. Their willingness to learn can eventually make them a competent leader.

4. The Boss Who Intimidates

This boss is all about business, with an aggressive style and a commanding presence. He seems to have a big ego, which he doesn’t leave at the door when he comes to work. Sometimes, it feels like he’s trying to manage the team with an iron fist.

He may come across as threatening to ensure tasks are completed, but he won’t push too far due to his own insecurities – he fears losing his influence over the team.

He’ll occasionally ignore mistakes because he wants to maintain a certain level of control. By nature, he’s more reserved and likes to keep to himself.

agressive intimidating boss
How to work with them?

The best approach with this boss is to respect his space and avoid unnecessary interaction. If you’re clever and can find a way to connect with him, you might even be able to develop a rapport and enjoy some flexibility at work.

But be cautious not to take it too far, as he could also be the one to show you the door if you cross the line.

5. The Boss Who Excels and Influences

This is the ideal leader, someone who steers the company and its employees with skill. They bring a positive energy to the workplace and convince everyone that they can achieve great things, even when times are tough.

They’re serious about their work but aren’t too hard on their team. Influential bosses might not always be motivational, but they know how to push people to their peak performance. They’re very professional and expect the same from their employees.

inspiring boss
How to work with them?

If you do your job well, you’ll find this boss easy to work with. But be careful: if they sense you could overshadow their ambitions, they might see you as a rival and could steer you out of the company.

An influential boss often has a trusted circle who keeps them updated on office dynamics. Stay focused on your tasks, and you’ll likely remain in their good graces.


While we might not all have the chance to work under great leaders, we all must work under a boss – the one who leads an organization or manages a team. Bosses mobilize people towards the company’s goals, and often, people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses.

So, what’s your boss like, and how do you manage your relationship with them?

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Why You Need a Brain Trust (And How to Create One) https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/building-brain-trust/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/building-brain-trust/#comments Wed, 04 Oct 2023 07:01:44 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=18678 Join the ranks of leaders with a dedicated brain trust by your side.

The post Why You Need a Brain Trust (And How to Create One) appeared first on Hongkiat.

Have you ever found yourself stuck on a problem that even Google couldn’t help you solve? That’s where a brain trust can come to your rescue. So, what exactly is a brain trust, and why should you consider building one?

Originally, a brain trust was a team of advisors who assisted a political leader in making crucial decisions. The concept dates back to the 1930s, with the first brain trust surrounding US President Franklin Roosevelt. Today, a brain trust is essentially a circle of your accomplished peers. Their fresh perspectives can offer you insights that might otherwise take years to discover on your own.

How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways)

How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways)

The need for employee creativity is growing due to rapid advancements in technology. This is clear when observing... Read more

In this article, we’ll delve into five effective methods to assemble your own brain trust. This will also enable you to join a broader network of knowledgeable professionals who offer mutual support.

1. Leverage Your Existing Connections

Begin by connecting with people you’re already acquainted with. Strengthen your bonds with fellow freelancers, designers, writers, or marketers, and consider including their friends and colleagues as well.

Another excellent source for potential members is your college or university’s associations. Whether it’s alumni networks, fraternities, sororities, or clubs focused on athletics or the arts, these are all fertile grounds for finding like-minded individuals.

People networking at an event

Keep in mind that you’re not just expanding your professional network. You’re seeking individuals who may not have the same career but share a common life vision. These are people who are ambitious and desire a supportive community to help them achieve their goals.

2. Express Gratitude Through Thank-You Notes

It may sound old-fashioned, but sending thank-you notes can be a potent tool for networking. A simple, heartfelt note can go a long way in making someone feel appreciated. Whether it’s someone who has inspired you or helped you in some way, a thank-you note often receives a warm response.

It takes very little time to send a thank-you note, but its impact can be significant. This simple act can be one of the most effective ways to build your brain trust.

Handwritten thank-you note

Even if you haven’t been in touch with the person you’re thanking for a while, the gesture is usually well-received. People are less likely to respond positively to sudden requests for favors, but everyone appreciates recognition and praise.

3. Build Relationships, Not Just Connections

While it might seem counterintuitive, your goal shouldn’t be to merely extract knowledge and experience from others. High-achievers can sense when you’re only taking and not giving. As you build your brain trust, it’s crucial to be someone others can also rely on.

People maintaining contact

Think of building a brain trust as supercharged networking. To maximize its benefits, become a master connector. Introduce friends and acquaintances to others who can help them, thereby creating new collaboration opportunities for yourself as well.

4. Seek Guidance, Not Just Help

This point complements the previous one. Aim to offer value rather than just taking it. Avoid being self-centered or exploitative; it’s not all about you. Consider how you’d like to be approached and offer the same courtesy to others.

Person seeking guidance

A good practice is to provide at least three valuable contributions to someone before asking for something in return. Interestingly, asking for advice can be a form of giving value. People enjoy offering guidance, especially when they know their advice has been valued and followed.

5. Invest Time and Effort

Building a robust and effective brain trust isn’t an overnight task. It requires months of consistent effort to not only assemble but also maintain your network. Your contributions of knowledge and advice are equally important.

The long-term benefits to your career are invaluable. If you’re looking to escape the negative or critical influences in your life, it’s up to you to find a new circle of supportive individuals who are genuinely interested in your professional growth.

The post Why You Need a Brain Trust (And How to Create One) appeared first on Hongkiat.

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How to Handle Unusual Questions Asked During a Job Interview https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/handle-weird-questions-in-interview/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/handle-weird-questions-in-interview/#comments Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:01:30 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=16913 Learn the art of answering unconventional questions in job interviews.

The post How to Handle Unusual Questions Asked During a Job Interview appeared first on Hongkiat.

Have you ever been in a job interview where you were thrown off by an unexpected question? Questions like, “Why is a manhole cover round?” or “What’s the most crucial part of a sandwich?” or even “What three items would you want if you were stranded on a deserted island?

Rest assured, it’s unlikely that your job will require you to survive on a deserted island. So, why do interviewers ask such perplexing questions? The truth is, these questions serve a purpose, and it’s not necessarily to hear your answer.

What recruiters are really interested in is what your responses reveal about your character and problem-solving abilities.

How to Ace Your Interviews (From the Interviewer’s POV)

How to Ace Your Interviews (From the Interviewer’s POV)

Land your next dream job with confidence using our practical tips for interview success. Read more

Categories of Unconventional Questions

Before we delve deeper, let’s explore the range of these unconventional questions. Glassdoor is an excellent resource for discovering some of the most peculiar questions ever asked by companies. For example:

  1. How many cows are in Canada?” – Google
  2. How many quarters would it take to reach the height of the Empire State Building?” – Jet Blue
  3. “In an ideal world, how would people communicate?” – Novell
  4. Can you estimate the number of windows in New York?” – Bain & Company
  5. What is the angle between the hands of a clock at 11:50?” – Bank of America
puzzled about weird questions

Looks like we’re in a tight spot, aren’t we?

What’s the Objective?

Contrary to popular belief, the answer isn’t the most crucial part. If interviewers are skilled at their job (more on that later), they’re generally interested in three key aspects:

  1. Assessing your confidence level and how you handle unexpected situations
  2. Understanding your ability to think creatively and bring more than just academic qualifications to the table
  3. Evaluating your problem-solving skills, especially for new challenges that may not have textbook solutions
Be Prepared for Anything

Keep in mind that these questions are designed to catch you off guard. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely that there’s a ‘correct’ answer. Your goal should be to come up with a response better than “I don’t know, what’s the answer?”

If your reply is along the lines of seeking someone else’s opinion or simply saying “I don’t know” (or “I don’t really care”), don’t expect a callback anytime soon.

be prepared
Understanding Concepts

If you’re the type who likes a challenge, remember that your approach to the question often matters more than the answer itself. While academic settings focus on the right answer, real-world problems emphasize the importance of the underlying concepts.

Think Creatively

Consider the question: How would you fit an elephant into a fridge in three steps? Take a moment to ponder if this is new to you. Done? Simply open the fridge, place the elephant inside, and close the door. It’s a straightforward answer to an unconventional question, meeting the three-step criteria.

come up with creative idea

The only obstacle to this answer is the common assumption that an elephant is too large for a fridge. Discard that notion, and you have an elegantly simple solution that even Einstein would appreciate.

Here’s another variation involving a miniaturized you and a blender, along with one author’s suggested answer.

Guidelines and Suggestions

These puzzling questions often go viral due to their ambiguous nature. By the time you’re in the interview, the questions have likely changed. So, can you really prepare for them?

Here are three tips that might help:

  1. Remember that the questions are related to the job role or the company’s operations. Keep this in mind throughout the interview.
  2. Recruiters may use these questions as tie-breakers. So, make a lasting impression.
  3. Lastly, don’t take it too seriously. Sometimes, even the interviewers are unsure about what they’re doing.
First Job Interview: 10 Things You Should Know

First Job Interview: 10 Things You Should Know

Finding and applying for the job might be easy with many job search websites, but when it's time... Read more

Inexperienced Interviewers

Indeed, not all interviewers are experts. In smaller firms, the boss or managers, rather than HR professionals trained in recruitment, conduct interviews. Some companies use unconventional questions simply because they’re trendy.

inexperienced interviwer

Research suggests that questions designed to intimidate should be eliminated from the interview process. A company could miss out on an excellent candidate who excels in all other areas but stumbles on one puzzling question.

10 Common Misconceptions About Job Interviews

10 Common Misconceptions About Job Interviews

Think you are free from the chains of academia and can now roam free to do what you... Read more

The Optimal Strategy

So, what’s the best course of action when faced with such questions? Engage with them creatively, but aim to leave a memorable impression on the interviewers. For instance, consider the question about using penguins to measure the North Pole.

If asked, I’d likely respond that while I don’t know the exact answer, it’s worth noting that penguins don’t inhabit the North Pole. Moreover, the North Pole isn’t a physical location with defined boundaries; it’s just ice, everywhere. Then, I’d hope they don’t follow up with a question about using unicorns to measure rainbows.

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Interview https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/things-recruiters-think-you-should-know/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/things-recruiters-think-you-should-know/#comments Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:01:43 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=16968 Get ahead with five vital tips to make a lasting impression in your next interview without common mistakes.

The post 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Interview appeared first on Hongkiat.

You have meticulously crafted your resume, reviewed it multiple times, and submitted it to the organization of your dreams for the position you aspire to. A few weeks later, you receive a communication from them, announcing that you have been selected for an interview, scheduled in two weeks.

Your heart is filled with elation, yet a fleeting sensation of uncertainty lingers within you. As the days pass, this uncertainty grows, evolving from a mere concern into genuine anxiety.

Fear not! We are here to guide you through this process. If you haven’t yet explored our previous post detailing strategies for handling the 10 most common interview questions, we highly recommend doing so. These insights could prove invaluable. After extensive research and analysis of various interview tips available online, we have distilled five essential ‘truths’ about job interviews that you would be wise to consider before the significant day arrives.

Through a number of interview tips on the Net, I’ve come up with five ‘truths’ about job interviews that you should note prior to the big day itself.

1. Impress EVERYONE

Many interviewees are unaware that some organizations seek the opinions of receptionists when making hiring decisions. After all, formal interviews may not reveal the social skills that candidates may or may not possess. A well-rounded assessment might consider what happens behind the scenes, particularly how interviewees behave while waiting for their turn.

impress everyone

This is the moment when they meet other job applicants and the receptionist, providing an excellent opportunity for potential employers to evaluate their people skills in an informal setting.

Body Language Speaks

Receptionists can often discern whether an interviewee is well-prepared, and they may even have a rough gauge of the person’s personality based on their demeanor.

For instance, if you are fumbling through your interview notes or frequently visiting the restroom, the receptionist might interpret this as anxiety or insecurity.

10 Most Asked Interview Questions: How to Tackle Them

10 Most Asked Interview Questions: How to Tackle Them

How many of you had stumbled upon an interview question you haven't prepared yourself for, and your mind... Read more

On the other hand, if you enter the waiting area composed, with a friendly smile and a positive outlook, the receptionist will likely conclude that you are thoroughly prepared for the interview.

What Should You Do Then?

Simply behave as you would if you knew you were being watched or interviewed. Some interviewees tend to use those moments to rehearse or relax a bit before entering the room.

Little do they realize that they are being observed. As long as you don’t do anything strange or inappropriate, you won’t be marked down unnecessarily.

2. First Impressions Really Do Count

We all know that first impressions matter, especially when meeting someone new. This becomes even more significant during occasions like an interview, where someone is deliberately assessing you, scrutinizing your speech and body language.

In fact, the first five minutes of your interview are the critical moments for you to make an impression. Miss this opportunity, and you might find yourself losing the deal, even if you have submitted a top-notch resume.

first impression
One Chance to Nail It

Psychological studies have shown that it takes only seven to seventeen seconds to form that initial impression with someone new. In the context of interviews, where interviewers consciously remind themselves to stay objective, the first impression might take longer to form.

Nevertheless, the key takeaway is that the quicker you project yourself as a promising potential employee during the interview, the higher your chances of landing the job.

After all, not all interviewers are well-trained, making them susceptible to influences like the first impression you provide.

The Bare Necessities

There are several things you should be mindful of, and you’re likely already aware of them. Factors such as punctuality for the interview, adherence to the dress code, maintaining a straight yet relaxed posture, making eye contact, and smiling are essential in making a positive impression.

It’s also crucial to provide a compelling introduction of yourself when prompted by the interviewer. This is your opportunity to demonstrate confidence and passion for the job by varying your tone of voice and exhibiting appropriate body language.

3. Gestures Speak Louder Than Words

Non-verbal communication encompasses facial expressions, eye contact, hand movements, posture, and more. Social psychologists assert that such non-verbal communication constitutes nearly two-thirds of all communication between individuals. What this implies for you, as an interviewee, is that landing the job relies more on your physical movements than on what you articulate.

Of course, it’s only fair to acknowledge that a successful interview likely requires a combination of both non-verbal and verbal communication. It would indeed be peculiar to witness someone securing their dream job without uttering a single word during the interview!

gesture speaks
Confidence Rules

The general guideline is to maintain a positive and upbeat attitude about yourself and the position for which you’re applying. Strive to be as confident as possible as you extend a firm handshake, introduce yourself, and address the questions methodically.

Additionally, it’s wise to be mindful of what you might do subconsciously when feeling anxious. Common signs of interview jitters include leg shaking, hair stroking, and finger tapping.

4. Know Your Resume Inside-Out

Remember, you’ve already submitted your resume, and the interviewer has read it prior to the interview. This means they are likely to question you based on that document.

The resume holds only the critical information that you want the reader to grasp. They will have the chance to delve into the details with you during the interview itself.

know your resume

By the way, if you are looking for new ideas to make your resumes stand out, we suggest:

Practice What You Preach

In addition to practicing how to answer the questions they will pose, know your resume like the back of your hand so you can cite evidence and concrete examples to support your claims. You may assert that you have rich, in-depth experience with customer service, but they will expect you to explain why and how.

This is when you should recall a time when you handled a very difficult customer successfully. If you have already thought of this example while reviewing your resume, relaying the incident will come easily.

Blow That Trumpet

Having examples of incidents when you exhibited a certain quality essential for the job is just one area to focus on.

Another aspect they are interested in hearing about is the figures in your list of achievements in your previous jobs or posts. For instance, how much increase in net profit have you contributed to the organizations you worked with previously? Such numbers provide evidence to substantiate your various claims. Anticipate questions targeting those parts of your resume that are relevant to the position you’ve applied for.

5. You’re Expected to Ask Questions

As the interview nears its end, you should anticipate the interviewer asking if you have any questions. Failing to ask any questions is a significant mistake, as it may reflect poorly on you. It can give the impression that you’re not enthusiastic enough about the job to inquire further. This moment is truly an opportunity for you to shine, but only if you ask the right questions.

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How to Secure the Right Interview Candidate for the Job

Conducting an interview is no simple task. It requires foresight, insight, and the ability to understand the mindset... Read more

Ask the Right Questions

First and foremost, avoid asking close-ended questions that can be answered with a simple YES or NO. While some interviewers may be kind enough to elaborate further, you can’t always count on that. Asking such questions may lead to an awkward silence, and chances are you won’t receive the answer you were seeking.

Secondly, be aware that some interviewers may evaluate you based on the nature of your questions. If your question is overly simple and the answer could have been found by exploring the organization’s website, it may indicate that you didn’t adequately prepare for the interview. However, if you demonstrate thorough research through your questions and present an intelligent inquiry, the interviewer is likely to be impressed, earning you additional points.


There are no hard and fast rules about the kinds of questions you should ask, but keep in mind that this is your last chance to seal the deal before the interview ends. On the other hand, if you have burning questions that need clarification, go ahead and ask them, even if they don’t sound impressive. After all, an interview is a bi-directional process that involves your participation to find the job that fits.

The post 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Interview appeared first on Hongkiat.

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How to Ace Your Interviews (From the Interviewer’s POV) https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/scoring-in-interviews/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/scoring-in-interviews/#comments Thu, 03 Aug 2023 10:01:51 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=16847 Land your next dream job with confidence using our practical tips for interview success.

The post How to Ace Your Interviews (From the Interviewer’s POV) appeared first on Hongkiat.

If you’ve invested effort in your CV/resume and are confident in your qualifications, chances are you’ll soon receive calls from your targeted companies for a face-to-face interview. Typically, a candidate is selected for an interview because one of these factors has caught the recruiters’ attention: the right degree or professional background, an impressive portfolio, valuable work experience, or a suitable salary range request.

So, you have at least one good reason that has qualified you for a few minutes with your potential employer. This is a golden opportunity that brings you one step closer to your dream job, and we bet you don’t want to squander it. Are you willing to go the extra mile to ace the interview and secure the job?

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7 Great Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed

Getting your resume noticed is the first step towards successful employment, and it may lay down the path... Read more

Here’s an insider’s guide on how to land the job, from the interviewer’s perspective.

Before the Interview

A wise man once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Preparation here means getting everything ready – both physically and mentally. Try to familiarize yourself with a brief but comprehensive portfolio that can leave a positive impression on the interviewer. Apart from that, there are other aspects you should consider:

1. What Are You Really Good At?

What are the soft skills and technical expertise that you’ve mastered? Once you’ve identified them, consider what truly sets you apart from others who presumably have the same skills and knowledge. Your unique attributes are your main selling points.

These points give you an advantage and will help convince the interviewer to choose you.

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10 Skills You Need to Be Successful Working Online

Freelancers wanting to cut costs and maintain full editorial control will frequently and aggressively invest in honing their... Read more

2. What Have You Achieved?

Yes, you need to clarify what you have accomplished, completed, achieved, contributed, etc. Divide this category into group projects and individual work.

your achievements

While individual projects may showcase your prowess and proactive side, successful group projects hint at your ability to work in a team. It also shows that you acknowledge the hard work of team members and therefore know how to harness them for large projects. That’s a plus, right there.

3. What Are You Passionate About?

The simplest way to identify genuine passion when it is work-related is to consider what you would most likely do even if you weren’t paid for it. If you have something you are passionate about and it is related to the company and can evoke resonance within the company, we want you.

The Truth About Passion And How It Affects You

The Truth About Passion And How It Affects You

Today I'm going against the grain and asking you a question which you may have been wondering yourself... Read more

4. Circumventing Trick Questions

While seemingly innocent, a few of these questions have an ulterior motive – why did you choose this company? Why did you quit your last job? Why do you think you deserve this position? What is your weakness/strength? They all reveal a part of you that interviewers cannot find on paper, so think the answers to these questions through before you answer them.

Also, research the range of your expected salary and confidently inform your interviewer when asked about it. If it is not excessive, and you are a keeper, they will give it to you.

5. Do a Background Check

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” – Sun Tzu. Of course, the company is not your enemy, but it is always a must to understand the company as much as possible before you go for an interview.

job applicant-with resume

Understanding a company can start from the company’s business nature, the person-in-charge (CEO/founder), its vision, mission, culture, target customers, etc.

Bonus Tip: Suggest New Ideas

You may also want to prepare 2 to 3 constructive suggestions for the company, such as marketing strategies or product feedback. Two or three is a good number since zero means you didn’t prepare at all, and more than 3 means you’re overselling yourself and it may offend the interviewer if they are not really open-minded.

How to Ace the Interview

Prepared for the interview? Here are nine more tips to take note of:

1. Maintain a Positive Attitude

We all love cheerful and friendly people, don’t we? Smiling is a simple yet powerful gesture that can set the tone for the entire interview. It brings the positive energy within yourself to the interviewer and it simply cheers up the atmosphere. A positive attitude can make you more approachable and likable, which can be a significant advantage in an interview setting.

2. Master the Art of Greeting

The first impression matters a lot, and it starts with a proper greeting. Stand up (if you’re sitting) as the interviewer enters the room. Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake. This simple act of courtesy can set a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

greetings job interview
3. Show Humility

Most interviewers can easily judge your capabilities via conversation. Be humble when you introduce yourself and be ready to admit that you don’t know “everything”. This shows your willingness to learn and grow, which is a trait that many employers value.

4. Pay Attention

If an interviewer starts talking or asking questions, pay attention and listen intently. Your body language is important: don’t lean back, sit properly; don’t cross your arms; don’t fidget; don’t play with the pen or click it mindlessly – it’s distracting. Showing that you’re fully engaged in the conversation can leave a positive impression on the interviewer.

5. Be Proactive

Take cues from the interviewer’s body language too. If they look like they’ve lost you somewhere, ask if there is a problem before continuing. Being proactive shows that you’re not only attentive but also eager to ensure clear and effective communication.

6. Confidence, Not Arrogance

It’s important to be confident, but not arrogant. Don’t oversell yourself. Bear in mind that interviewers usually are more experienced than you if not in the industry, then in the nature of the company.

Plus, they’ve probably met good, bad and ‘uglier’ copies of you long before you finished middle school. Confidence shows that you believe in your abilities, while arrogance can be a turn-off.

confident job interview
7. Share Your Opinions

If you’re asked, you can also share your opinions about the future trends of the company’s products or marketing strategies. This can easily impress an interviewer but only if you are well-prepared. It shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in the company.

sharing opinion job interview
8. Avoid Negative Talk

Under no circumstances should you complain about past supervisors or companies you have worked with, even when the interviewer themselves do so. If you would complain about your past employers, you would complain about future ones too. Keeping the conversation positive and professional is key to leaving a good impression.

9. Follow Up

Send a thank you email on the same day and also mention the reasons you think you fit the position. If you don’t get a reply, try again after 3 to 5 working days. Every employer appreciates the ‘never give up’ spirit. If it’s about your dream job, don’t compromise. Following up shows your enthusiasm and commitment, which can set you apart from other candidates.

follow up email job interview

Wrap Up

We believe daily improvements are actually much more important than the guidelines above. After all, the success rate also depends on your qualifications for a particular position and a reasonable expected salary.

Take each interview seriously and we hope the tips in this post will help you leave a great impression on the interviewers, and more importantly, get you the job.

The post How to Ace Your Interviews (From the Interviewer’s POV) appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/scoring-in-interviews/feed/ 9 16847
First Month Job Mistakes: Top 10 Things to Avoid for New Employees https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/first-month-on-job-tips/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/first-month-on-job-tips/#comments Fri, 07 Jul 2023 10:01:55 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=13839 Smooth-sail your first month at work with these top 10 tips to avoid common job mistakes.

The post First Month Job Mistakes: Top 10 Things to Avoid for New Employees appeared first on Hongkiat.

Starting a new job can be a stressful experience. On one hand, you’re trying to learn the ropes and adapt to a new work culture, while on the other, you’re striving to make a positive impression on your colleagues and superiors. Balancing the roles of an eager learner and a likable co-worker can be challenging.

Every action you take can have consequences, especially when you’re the new person in the office. In your quest to fit in, it’s important to avoid the following ten actions during your first month at work.

1. Being Late for Work

Making a good impression starts from the first hours of the workday. Being late is generally frowned upon in the office. Always factor in extra time for potential issues like traffic jams, forgotten items, or parking difficulties, at least until you’re familiar with your commute. This way, you can arrive early on good days and still be on time when unexpected issues arise.

late at work

2. Being Arrogant or Cocky

Even if you hold a high position in your new job, the first few months are not the time to appear bossy. Take the time to learn and understand the work processes and culture of your new environment, while allowing your co-workers to get to know you. Use this crucial time to understand the norms of the office before implementing a management or work style that you find suitable.

3. Posting About Work on Social Media

In this digital age, information spreads quickly, often without your knowledge. During the critical early stages of your job, such information could make or break your career.

selfies at work

Always be mindful of the differences in work cultures and norms between your new and previous workplaces. Refrain from posting any work-related comments, positive or negative, on social media to avoid potential misunderstandings.

4. Remaining Silent and Pretending to be Ignorant

As the new person in the office, you’re expected to ask questions and make mistakes. Don’t hesitate to ask your colleagues even the most basic questions. Making assumptions about how things work can be risky.

Clear your doubts as they arise to prevent them from accumulating. People are generally more helpful when they understand you’re still learning your way around.

5. Participating in Gossip

Gossip is generally discouraged in the workplace for good reasons: it often carries incomplete or incorrect information, also known as rumors. Gossip can negatively impact company morale and relationships within the office. Avoid participating in gossip to prevent becoming a victim yourself.


6. Being Judgmental or Close-minded

Every organization has its own challenges that may seem trivial or absurd to a newcomer. The solutions may seem obvious, but change can be difficult for people who are comfortable with their current methods.

Avoid pointing out what you perceive as errors or stupidity, as it can lead to negative attention. Take time to understand the bigger picture before jumping to conclusions.

7. Flirting Excessively

People tend to judge you based on your initial behavior. Making advances on your co-workers during your probationary period may not be beneficial for your reputation, especially if someone else is interested in the same person.

Be charming and respectful, but avoid being overly aggressive in starting relationships. Focus on making a good impression on those who decide whether you keep your job.

flirting at work

8. Taking Sides

Office politics exist in almost every workplace. You may find that there are cliques or groups that move and think together. While it’s fine to align with co-workers who share your values and work style, remember that taking sides can create invisible boundaries. This can limit your opportunities to learn from a diverse range of people. It’s best to remain neutral and objective.

9. Overachieving

While it’s natural to want to impress your new bosses and colleagues, it’s important to go with the flow. If you consistently go above and beyond forevery task, you set a precedent that others may be expected to follow, potentially upsetting the balance in the office. It’s best not to overdo things. Show enough enthusiasm to be seen as a valuable team member, but not so much that you’re seen as a threat.

braging about yourself

10. Revealing Too Much About Yourself

As the new person in the office, it’s not advisable to reveal too much about yourself, no matter how likable or sociable your colleagues may seem. You never know if someone might use that information against you. Information can fuel gossip. However, be friendly and polite to everyone.

Keep an open mind and avoid being judgmental when it comes to people you’ve just met. Some people take longer to warm up to you, so don’t take it personally if they seem distant at first. Engage in casual conversations with them. Over time, you’ll identify who’s trustworthy enough for you to share more about yourself, your strategies, and your future plans.

The post First Month Job Mistakes: Top 10 Things to Avoid for New Employees appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/first-month-on-job-tips/feed/ 18 13839
20 Free PDF Tools to Annotate PDF Documents https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/free-pdf-annotation-tools/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/free-pdf-annotation-tools/#comments Tue, 20 Jun 2023 19:00:14 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=16070 Annotate PDFs like a pro with our list of 20 free tools, compatible with Windows, Mac, and mobile devices.

The post 20 Free PDF Tools to Annotate PDF Documents appeared first on Hongkiat.

If you frequently interact with PDFs, you understand the significance of having a robust set of annotation tools. Whether you’re a student annotating textbooks, a professional reviewing contracts, or an avid reader who enjoys making notes on ebooks, the right PDF annotation tools are crucial. In this blog post, we present a curated list of 20 free PDF tools designed to make your annotation process smooth and efficient, regardless of your specific needs.

We’ve included a diverse range of tools that allow you to comment, highlight text, draw shapes, and even electronically sign your documents. These tools are compatible with multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. So, irrespective of the device you’re using, you’re likely to find a suitable tool here. Whether you need a comprehensive PDF editor or a simple annotation tool, we’ve got something for everyone. Let’s delve into the best free PDF annotation tools available today.

7 Free Web Annotation and Markup Tools You Should Know

7 Free Web Annotation and Markup Tools You Should Know

Our huge list of web annotation tools should be able to provide the solution that can be use... Read more

SwifDoo PDF
Annotate PDF with SwifDoo

SwifDoo is a simple and easy-to-use tool that can be your go-to solution for working with PDF documents. With just a few clicks, you can edit, convert, secure with a password, view, shrink, combine, or even electronically sign a PDF file.

Download SwifDoo PDF for:


Annotate PDF with Sejda

Sejda provides a comprehensive set of basic PDF editing and annotation features. These include options for text highlighting, strikethroughs, adding comments, and free-hand drawings. The tool also allows you to customize the style of your annotations.

Download Sejda for:

Windows Mac Linux

PDFsam Basic
Annotate PDF with PDFsam Basic

PDFsam Basic offers a straightforward PDF editing experience, complete with annotation tools like text highlighting and underlining.

Download PDFsam Basic for:

Windows Mac Linux

LibreOffice Draw
Annotate PDF with LibreOffice Draw

LibreOffice Draw serves as a free vector graphics editor, complete with PDF annotation capabilities.

Download LibreOffice Draw for:

Windows Mac Linux Android iOS

Xodo PDF Reader & Editor
Annotate PDF with Xodo

Xodo PDF Reader & Editor is a free tool that serves both as a PDF viewer and editor, featuring annotation tools like highlighting, underlining, and commenting.

Download Xodo PDF Reader & Editor for:

Windows Android iOS

Annotate PDF with Skim

Skim is a macOS-exclusive free PDF reader that comes with annotation features like highlighting.

Download Skim for:


Annotate PDF with Okular

Okular is a free PDF viewer that offers annotation features like highlighting, underlining, and note-taking.

Download Okular for:

Windows Linux

Adobe Reader
Annotate PDF with Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is the official mobile app for iPhone and iPad users. It offers a range of features including form filling, electronic signatures, and various annotation tools like highlighting, strikethrough, underlining, freehand drawing, sticky notes, and text addition.

Download Adobe Reader for:

Windows Mac Linux Android

PDF-Notes free for iPad
Annotate PDF with PDF-Notes

PDF-Notes free for iPad is a free version of the premium app, pdf-notes. It offers a variety of annotation tools like pens, highlighters, and text notes, along with AirPrint support. The app also features smooth finger writing and a palm rest to prevent accidental marks.

Download PDF-Notes free for iPad for:


Annotate PDF with UPAD

UPAD Lite is more than just a note-taking app; it also includes PDF annotation features. You can handwrite notes, highlight text, add sticky notes, and even include reference images. The app uses smooth retina ink for high-quality handwriting and allows exporting documents as PDF or PNG files.

Download UPAD Lite for:


Annotate PDF with Mendeley

Mendeley is a companion to its desktop version for Windows. It serves as a digital library where you can read, annotate, and organize various file types, including PDFs. The app offers features like citation generation, sticky notes, highlighting, and team collaboration.

Download Mendeley for:


Annotate PDF with PDF Max

PDF Max is a free iOS app that is excellent for annotating, form-filling, and note-taking. It supports Adobe’s Rich Text Format Typewriters and offers various annotation tools like highlighting, underlining, and commenting. The app also supports threaded conversations, making it ideal for collaboration.

Download PDF Max for:


Annotate PDF with PDFescape

PDFescape is a versatile tool for editing, annotating, and creating PDF forms. It also allows you to fill out forms, secure your files with passwords, and share them. The tool offers various annotation features like text comments, shapes, images, sticky notes, and highlights.

Download PDFescape for:


Annotate PDF with Foxit

Foxit is a robust PDF reader and editor that enables sharing, collaboration, and feedback through text markups, comments, highlights, and drawings. It also features an annotation management tool that allows you to view, import, export, and share comments via email.

Download Foxit for:

Windows Mac Linux

Nitro PDF Reader
Annotate PDF with Nitro

Nitro is a professional PDF manager offering a range of text markup tools for highlighting, underlining, replacing, and crossing out text. You can also add comments, edit annotation details, and customize the visual elements of your markup.

Download Nitro PDF Reader for:

Mac iOS

PDF-XChange Editor
Annotate PDF with PDF-XChange

PDF-XChange Editor is an advanced PDF reader and editor offering a variety of free features, including 3D comments and linear measurements. You can also add audio files, file attachments, cloud annotations, and various distance and measurement annotations.

Download PDF-XChange Editor for:


Preview (Mac)
Annotate PDF with Preview

Preview is the built-in app for Mac users that allows basic PDF annotation. You can add highlights, text in various colors and fonts, and hand-draw on the document as needed.

Master PDF Editor
Annotate PDF with Master PDF Editor

Master PDF Editor is a comprehensive PDF editing tool that also offers robust annotation features. You can add sticky notes, comments, shapes, and drawings to your documents. The tool even allows you to create custom stamps for use in your PDF reviews.

Download Master PDF Editor for:

Windows Mac Linux

Annotate PDF with MuPDF

MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer that offers a range of features for PDF editing, compression, and annotation. The tool provides a dedicated annotation toolbar for basic annotations like adding comments, graphics, highlights, and drawings.

Download MuPDF for:

Windows Mac Linux

Kami PDF Editor
Annotate PDF with Kami

Kami provides a wide array of PDF annotation features, allowing users to draw in various colors, add mathematical formulas, and highlight text freely. One unique feature is the ability to add video and audio comments to your documents. Additionally, you can save all annotations in a feedback bank for future use.

The post 20 Free PDF Tools to Annotate PDF Documents appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/free-pdf-annotation-tools/feed/ 23 16070
Confessions of a Web Editor – An Inside Look https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/web-editor-confessions/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/web-editor-confessions/#comments Tue, 13 Jun 2023 07:01:38 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=17148 Dive into the world of web editing with hongkiat.com. Uncover the realities of time, criticism, and self-discipline in the digital age.

The post Confessions of a Web Editor – An Inside Look appeared first on Hongkiat.

Many people often inquire about my profession, and it’s not an easy one to explain. I work from the ‘comfort of my home‘, primarily dealing with words and emails over the internet, rather than engaging in face-to-face interactions. To an outsider, this might seem like an ideal arrangement. There’s no need to confront clients, bosses, managers, or recruits – it almost sounds like freelancing, doesn’t it?

I frequently get asked if I know of more jobs like this. Internally, I respond, “No, and thank goodness for that.” Before you navigate away, let me assure you that this isn’t your typical ‘work from home‘ advice article. In fact, it leans more towards a horror story – less gothic, more gruesome. When you’ve been in my position for a while (which isn’t very long by web standards), you begin to notice the stranger aspects of working online as a web editor, such as the following:

Effective Tips and Guidelines for Freelance Writing Success

Effective Tips and Guidelines for Freelance Writing Success

The freelancing world is a live battleground where entrepreneurs are required to sleep with an eye open. Read more

1. Time Flies Differently Here

You know those moments when parents gather and exclaim, “Oh, how time flies!” as they discuss their kids now in college and the impending stage of retirement? Well, time on the Internet is a different beast altogether. Unlike the traditional 9-to-5, unless you establish a routine, a blink could mean it’s already Wednesday, and two blinks later, you’re at Sunday. Ironically, the reverse also holds true: spend a year on the Web, and it feels like four have passed.

time flies

Information that was fresh just two days ago is now considered ‘old’. The digital world demands a constant awareness of new trends, news stories, and product releases. In the time it takes for a letter to reach its destination via post, you could have witnessed six different revolutions, uprisings, or scandals online.

The Internet operates on a different time scale, and when you finally disconnect and glance at the calendar, you might be shocked at how far into the year you’ve traveled.

Navigating the Web: What to Expect and Do

Establish a routine. Regular reality checks are essential. Step out of the house, go for a run, catch up with friends, or read a physical newspaper (the kind that doesn’t update itself and can be lent to someone else without the fear of it being stolen). These activities can help ground you in the real world amidst the fast-paced digital landscape.

2. Everyone Seems to Dislike You

This is a harsh reality. If you’ve spent enough time on the Web, you’ll notice that animosity is one of the most prevalent emotions you’ll encounter. It seems that for many keyboard warriors, there’s no shortage of things to despise: an artist who arrives late for a concert, open letters advocating for a cause, even minor errors (did you catch that?) in blog posts can elicit strongly worded emails.

The reason behind this isn’t always clear. Some people just seem to enjoy expressing their dislike. It’s a twisted interpretation of the quote by Oscar Wilde:

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

In today’s world, both men and women are often filled with unchecked animosity and a desire to confront others, albeit virtually. Everyone has an opinion they would ‘virtually die for’, and there’s little you can do to sway their viewpoint, even though they may be eager to change yours.

What to Expect and How to Respond

Be ready to accept criticism even when you’re not seeking it. If you can’t handle criticism from people on the Internet, then you might be better off working away from it. Honestly, it’s not worth the stress. You can’t afford to be upset all the time.

3. You Are Your Own Manager

If you’re drawn to working from home because of the perceived freedom, brace yourself for a challenging first few months. Freedom, in this context, is a misnomer. What you’ll actually need are self-control, discipline, and a willingness to make significant sacrifices.

The necessity of these traits will become evident when you find yourself explaining to clients or your boss why tasks aren’t being completed: “I got distracted”; “The deadline is still a week away, I didn’t realize the client wanted an early draft”; “I had to assist with my daughter’s recital costume,” and so on.

work management

If you found your previous job’s strict supervisor irksome, you might find yourself missing the structured environment they created, which allowed you to focus and achieve your goals. That kind of setting was optimized for you to concentrate on the task at hand.

10 Tips to Make WFH (Working From Home) Work

10 Tips to Make WFH (Working From Home) Work

If you have decided that working from home is your only option, here are a few tips that... Read more

No distractions, no calls from home, no interruptions within that 9-to-5 zone. Your hands were tied, but you got work done. At the end of the day, that’s what clients and bosses value: accomplishments.

What to Expect/Do

Stay disciplined, deliver results, or return to an environment that enables you to do both. How will you know it’s time? When nothing gets done.

4. Scammers Are Everywhere

In the process of receiving guest contributions (many of which are from incredibly talented writers), I’ve encountered a relatively small group of individuals who will go to great lengths to have their post featured on our site. However, their efforts seldom include providing good, original content.

Make a Stand

As an editor, it’s crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the effort that writers invest in their work. Equally, it’s essential to demand this effort. Having collaborated with numerous talented and diligent individuals, I find it difficult to respect writers who plagiarize content from one site and attempt to present it as their own on another.

We, as writers, should extend professional courtesy to our peers in the industry. This could include crediting the original author, providing a backlink to their site, or even mentioning them by name occasionally. Creativity is a rare commodity; let’s strive to preserve it rather than extinguishing it prematurely.

However, it’s possible that these individuals have their reasons for resorting to such actions. Perhaps they struggle to generate original content, or they believe that rewording is acceptable. Alternatively, they might be adhering to the adage, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

5. Trust Your Instincts

Regardless of the underlying reasons, the unfortunate reality is that some individuals will continue their actions until they are caught. Sometimes you’ll catch them, sometimes you won’t. However, the consequences are real and they can damage your reputation and your brand more than they harm the individuals themselves.

web editor

Working from behind a computer screen, it’s challenging to pick up on subtle cues. In face-to-face interactions, you can study body language, notice changes in tone, hesitations, and overly long responses. But when all you have is text, these cues are absent. So, what’s an editor to do? The best approach is to roll with the punches and trust that your instincts will guide you when necessary.

Guidelines and Expectations

Exercise caution. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure what the best course of action is. I typically rely on my instincts or a moment of frustration to guide my decisions. Perhaps you have a better idea or strategy.

6. It’s the People

In my experience, working in the digital realm is truly exhilarating. It provides an opportunity to interact and collaborate with a diverse group of passionate individuals, all striving to make a significant impact in their respective fields. The web is a unique platform where age, language, and educational background do not serve as barriers but rather as enriching elements of one’s journey.

This dynamic environment is a testament to the survival of the fittest, where perseverance and determination outshine prejudice and discrimination. It’s a space that values action and ‘making things happen’ above all else. If you harbor a dream and are committed to making it a reality, the web is undoubtedly the place to be.

The post Confessions of a Web Editor – An Inside Look appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/web-editor-confessions/feed/ 50 17148
8 Tips to Simplify Your Work life https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/tips-to-simplify-work-life/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/tips-to-simplify-work-life/#comments Fri, 26 May 2023 07:01:35 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=13435 Many of us are overwhelmed with work and forget about other important commitments in our lives. We have family, hobbies, and communities that matter to us, but work takes up so much time and energy. However, there are things we can do to simplify our work life. Here are some tips to help us take…

The post 8 Tips to Simplify Your Work life appeared first on Hongkiat.

Many of us are overwhelmed with work and forget about other important commitments in our lives. We have family, hobbies, and communities that matter to us, but work takes up so much time and energy. However, there are things we can do to simplify our work life.

Here are some tips to help us take a break from our hectic work schedules.

How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways)

How to Unleash Creativity in Your Workplace (6 Ways)

The need for employee creativity is growing due to rapid advancements in technology. This is clear when observing... Read more

Tip 1: Learning When to Say “No”

It’s important to know when to say “no” to taking on additional work outside of your job scope. When you constantly help your colleagues with their work, it can lead to the assumption that it’s part of your responsibilities. This can become overwhelming and affect your ability to complete your own tasks effectively.

say no

While some organizations may value employees who take on extra work, it’s important to find a balance between fulfilling your role and going beyond it. Prioritize completing your own job well before taking on additional tasks. By learning when to say “no,” you can simplify your work life and avoid unnecessary stress.

Tip 2: Don’t Aim for Perfection in Every Aspect of Your Job

When you have a job, there are certain parts of it that require perfection, but not everything does. It’s important to give yourself some flexibility and not stress over every little detail. If you try to be perfect in everything, you’ll end up overwhelmed and stressed out.

Instead, focus on the areas that require perfection and prioritize your efforts there. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up on excellence, just that you’re being realistic about where to put your energy. When you do well in your job overall, you’ll feel more satisfied and that positivity will spill over into your personal life.

Tip 3: Setting Personal Rules

Some people may be put off by the word “rules” because it sounds rigid and inflexible. However, when it comes to the things in life that we often sacrifice for work, it’s important to ensure that we spend not just time, but quality time on these activities. Just as we have to spend a designated amount of time at work each week, we should set aside time for other commitments.

In a sense, these “rules” will help us maintain a balanced life that doesn’t revolve solely around work. When we tell ourselves that we will go to bed by 11 p.m. every night, spend every Sunday with our family, and work out at least twice a week, these things are more likely to happen than if we simply say we’ll sleep early, have family time, and keep fit. Writing them down on paper will help us commit even more deeply.

personal rules

By setting personal rules, we can prioritize the things that matter most to us and make sure they don’t get pushed aside by work. This can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life both inside and outside of the office.

Tip 4: Delegating Work

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything yourself. However, to truly improve productivity and enjoy what you do, you must learn to entrust certain tasks to others. Identify the tasks that you excel at and enjoy doing, and delegate the rest to those around you.

It may seem logical to trust yourself more than others, but delegating work can actually lead to a more balanced work life. By focusing on what you do best, you can organize your work more effectively and achieve better results.

Remember, you don’t have to do everything alone. Trust in the abilities of those around you and delegate tasks accordingly.

Tip 5: Be Sociable, But Beware of Politics

Work takes up a significant portion of our time, so it’s beneficial to spend it optimally. Getting to know your colleagues outside of work can make your time in the office less challenging. As social animals, we need social support when the going gets tough. Additionally, this makes it easier to ask for help when needed.

sociable workplace

One thing to be careful of is getting involved in office politics unknowingly. When socializing with people more, you may discover things you like or dislike about some coworkers. This can lead to forming or joining cliques and sticking with what your group believes in. Politics are inevitable in the workplace, but you can minimize them by making an effort to mingle with people from different groups.

Tip 6: Work Hard & Play Hard

Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

What he meant was that if you love what you do, you will enjoy it so much that it won’t feel like work. That is great advice, but I still believe that work and play are distinct from each other. Once you accept that distinction, you can simplify your work-life by a notch.

As much as possible, when you’re out of the office, try to disconnect from work at home. Don’t bring work home with you. If that is not possible on a day-to-day basis, then consider taking a complete break from work during your vacation.

Communication technology has improved communication by leaps, but it has also created more stress for all workers. Switch off your mobile phone and resist checking your emails every fifteen minutes. Go out and enjoy yourself or attend to what is more important in your life.

Tip 7: Take Regular Breaks

Who would think of taking breaks when you have so many deadlines to meet? Most of us would be so absorbed in what we are doing and forget about them altogether. That’s all fine and dandy if we only get busy days once in a while, but if such tight schedules are habitual, it can have an overwhelming effect on your stress level.

take break

It’s not just for the sake of yourself, but also for the sake of improving productivity. When you place sustained attention on a task, fatigue sets in, you get distracted, and make more mistakes. It ends up taking you much longer to finish the task. Taking short rests will rejuvenate your energy level and keep you motivated.

Many people do not realize the power of taking regular breaks and the damaging effect of not taking them. Sometimes, you are overwhelmed by work that you need to take a fifteen-minute tea break.

Tip 8: Have Something to Look Forward To

Some of us see work as a chore we slog through five days a week. For these people, work is drudgery, and they dread it. Time seems to crawl by every second of the day as they do what they hate. Work becomes a living hell.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. To simplify the pain of work, it helps to have something to look forward to at the end of the day, week, month, or year. Better still, try to connect the reason why you’re doing the work you dislike with what you look forward to. It could be that you’re working there because you’re fulfilling the needs of your family, whom you love to see after a long, hard day at work. Or you’re slogging your days away because you’re earning a trip to the Caribbean islands.

If you fail to derive enjoyment or find meaning from your work, then link your efforts to a certain cause outside work. You’ll realize that the days will get easier when you have a reason as to why you’re staying in your job, whether it’s lousy or not.

The post 8 Tips to Simplify Your Work life appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/tips-to-simplify-work-life/feed/ 18 13435
7 Key Principles for Building a Successful Portfolio Site https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creating-professional-portfolio-site/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creating-professional-portfolio-site/#comments Thu, 18 May 2023 07:01:29 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=10624 Build a successful portfolio site with our guide. Define your objectives, embrace simplicity, and stand out in your field.

The post 7 Key Principles for Building a Successful Portfolio Site appeared first on Hongkiat.

Entering the realm of web design, regardless of your specific field of expertise, necessitates the creation of a professional portfolio site. This platform allows you to showcase your skills, style, and personal brand. The significance of a portfolio is rooted in the fact that potential clients often rely on tangible proof of your abilities. Your portfolio serves as a visual testament to your expertise, providing them with the assurance they seek.

However, a portfolio site can be a powerful tool or a stumbling block, depending on its execution. A poorly designed portfolio can deter potential clients, hindering them from viewing your work. To captivate your prospective clients, your portfolio must adhere to certain design principles. These principles aim to not only impress visitors but also ensure a seamless user experience.

This article encapsulates these principles into seven fundamental rules for creating or enhancing your portfolio site. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the first rule to guide you towards crafting a compelling, professional portfolio site.

1. Define Your Objectives

Having a clear, well-defined objective is pivotal to the success of any professional portfolio. It not only guides your efforts but also shapes the expectations of potential clients. Before embarking on the design journey, it’s vital to establish a central objective for your portfolio. Ideally, this objective should be concise – a single sentence that encapsulates your purpose clearly and succinctly.

Below, we outline several potential objectives for creating a portfolio:

  • Job Hunting: In this case, your portfolio is a tool to aid in securing employment. Its primary purpose is to impress potential employers with your skills and capabilities.
  • Commercialization: If your objective is to sell your work, your portfolio serves as a platform to introduce, display, and promote your creations.
  • Reputation Building: Sometimes, the goal of a portfolio is to showcase your work and advertise your talents, helping you establish a name for yourself within the industry.
  • Networking: Portfolios can also be designed with the primary intent of fostering connections within the web design community.

Remember, the objectives listed above are not prescriptive. You’re encouraged to draw from them, combine them, or even conceive an entirely new objective that aligns with your specific goals. Once you’ve settled on your objective, it’s essential to adhere to it. Deviate from it only if there are compelling reasons, such as significant technical challenges.

2. Embrace Simplicity

The principle of "less is more" holds a profound truth within the realm of design. As you gain experience in the industry, the significance of simplicity becomes increasingly evident.

simplistic design

Crafting a portfolio that is streamlined and intuitive not only enhances its professional appeal but also protects your reputation from being prematurely judged as amateurish.

The paramount advantage of a simple portfolio is its ability to convey messages with unmistakable clarity. This approach enables potential clients to effortlessly grasp the essence of what your portfolio seeks to communicate, while allowing them to navigate and view your work without unnecessary complications.

That being said, simplicity shouldn’t be mistaken for a lack of creativity. Indeed, you are encouraged to inject innovative ideas into your portfolio. The key is to ensure that these creative elements serve to accentuate your showcased work rather than distract from it. By keeping the spotlight on your work, you can incorporate numerous visual elements that will help your portfolio stand out, all while staying true to the principle of simplicity.

3. Prioritize User-Friendly Design

The key to an effective portfolio lies in its usability or, in other words, its user-friendliness. Consider viewing your portfolio through the eyes of a potential client. The content should be effortlessly accessible and easy to navigate, free from distracting elements such as intrusive pop-ups, flashy banners, or convoluted site structures.

easy navigation website

A complex navigation system can not only confuse your potential clients but also frustrate them, increasing the likelihood of your work being overlooked. Your portfolio should operate in a manner that aligns with common user expectations — it should be intuitive and convenient.

Avoid common design pitfalls like redirecting users to a Showcase page when they click on the About page or prompting them to sign up before they can view your work gallery. While these might seem like unlikely scenarios, they are surprisingly common errors. Evading such mistakes is integral to the success of your portfolio site.

4. Practice Restraint

This rule is straightforward: to make a quick, lasting impression with your portfolio, showcase only your finest work. Resist the temptation to display all your projects. Instead, curate a selection of your most impressive pieces that effectively highlight your skills and expertise.

In the event that you have a multitude of exceptional work and wish to present it all, consider categorizing your projects and arranging them across different sections or pages. This approach enables clients to find what they’re looking for without having to sift through an exhaustive list.

The same principle of restraint applies to descriptions. If you’re contemplating a 200-word description, challenge yourself to convey the same information in a concise, well-crafted 20-word summary. In essence, exhibit your best work, touch on the crucial details, and underscore what’s relevant.

5. Be Mindful of Technology

When building your online portfolio, it’s crucial to pay careful attention to the technology you employ. User-friendliness should always be a priority. Your site should be easy to navigate, free from lagging controls or confusing effects, and should load swiftly.

Compatibility is another vital aspect to consider. For instance, HTML5 may be a modern, versatile technology that emulates the older Flash in some scenarios, but its compatibility varies across browsers and their respective versions. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the platforms, browsers, and devices your potential clients may use to view your portfolio. Familiarize yourself with the compatibility and incompatibility of various web technologies before you commit to using them.

web design language

The ease of updating your portfolio also hinges on your chosen technology. If you’re comfortable with the technology, you’ll be able to make regular updates and adjustments to your content or site efficiently.

However, if managing the technology is a challenge, you may encounter difficulties when updating, which could potentially persist over time. Therefore, it’s crucial to select a technology that you can manage effectively and comfortably.

6. Incorporate Your Contact Information

Incorporating your contact information into your portfolio site significantly enhances your chances of attracting potential clients. To streamline the process for clients, it’s recommended to place your contact information on every page, ideally in the header or footer, ensuring easy access without unnecessary navigation.

contact page website

Aim to provide a variety of contact methods. This could include your email address, mobile phone number, Skype name, or even a Google map for clients who prefer face-to-face discussions. It’s crucial to provide contact methods that are convenient for you, such as an email you frequently check or a phone number you always have on hand.

If your response time is typically a few business days, or if you wish to limit the availability of certain contact methods, be sure to clearly state your availability within your contact information.

7. Leverage the Influence of Testimonials

If you have the opportunity to include testimonials from previous clients, particularly those from well-known brands, don’t hesitate to do so. Testimonials not only validate your expertise but also provide potential clients with insights into what they can expect from your skillset and work ethic. However, it’s crucial to uphold integrity in this process; ensure the testimonials you choose are honest and accurate.

Securing testimonials isn’t overly challenging. You can request testimonials from previous clients once a project is completed, reminding them to provide an honest account of their experience. Alternatively, you could showcase the logos of prominent companies within your industry that have previously employed your services. This can act as an implicit testimonial, reinforcing your credibility and professional standing.

Bonus: Embrace Uniqueness

Your portfolio site is your opportunity to captivate potential clients, and to do so, it must possess a unique flair that sets it apart from the competition. It’s worth investing the time to conceptualize and create a distinctive design, as this can significantly influence client attraction.

unique web design

Avoid generic introduction messages like, "Hi, I’m Peter. I’m a web designer. I create beautiful websites with well-functioned content."

While it’s a pleasant introduction, it’s too commonplace and lacks uniqueness. Instead, craft a creative and personalized introduction message that distinguishes you from the crowd.


These are the fundamental rules for crafting an effective and professional portfolio site that can help you meet your defined objectives and land the work you seek. They can also serve as a guide for seasoned professionals looking to enhance their portfolios.

Remember, it’s never too late to revamp your portfolio site, making it more creative and user-friendly to secure more projects, enhance your popularity, and build your reputation. Start now and make your portfolio stand out from the rest!

The post 7 Key Principles for Building a Successful Portfolio Site appeared first on Hongkiat.

https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creating-professional-portfolio-site/feed/ 41 10624
5-Step Guide to a Complete Tech Detox https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/tech-detox/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/tech-detox/#comments Tue, 16 May 2023 07:01:07 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=15262 Need a break from screens? Here are 5-step tech detox plan. Find balance between the virtual and the real world.

The post 5-Step Guide to a Complete Tech Detox appeared first on Hongkiat.

In recent decades, the virtual online world has increasingly overlapped with our real, physical world, making it difficult to separate ourselves between the two realms. The line between online and offline is becoming blurred, causing confusion about what is truly beneficial for us. We often log on to "communicate" with others without realizing that it consumes time we could have spent interacting in person.

Instead of venturing out to explore and experience the real world, we often choose the easy way out by sitting in front of the TV all day long. Such behavior calls for a tech detox, taking time off from some or most technology use.

To achieve this, the best solution is to help one appreciate the beauty of a world without technology. It is important to note that the goal is not to condemn all technology; rather, it is to create an awareness that technology alone does not make life complete.

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5 Ways Tech Addiction is Changing Our Behavior

Science and technology are meant to improve our lives, but ironically, we've become their prisoners. We constantly need... Read more

1. Start Living in Your (Real) World

First, let’s return to the basics. Disconnect from the internet, turn off your mobile phones, and disengage from any other modern technologies that preoccupy you daily.

Intuitively, you know the activities I’m attempting to steer you away from: aimless browsing on Facebook and YouTube, excessive TV-watching that turns you into a couch potato, constant instant messaging, video gaming – unplug yourself from that world.

The goal of this exercise is to initiate the process of a tech detox. You must experience what the real world has to offer before you become motivated to adopt a less technology-dependent lifestyle.

no internet real world

As you begin to appreciate the richness of offline activities, such as meeting up with friends for heartfelt conversations (rather than texting over WhatsApp), spending time alone with your thoughts, practicing mindfulness in your current activities, and so on, you’ll become more receptive to the idea of living with less technology.

Going all out!

For some of you, you might want to go all out and cut yourselves off from most of these addictions at once. This could mean no TV, no computer, no Internet, and no mobile phones for a period of time (say, two weeks).

Others may prefer a slower approach, by limiting the amount of time spent on these devices per day or simply stopping the use of one particular technology for a while. It all depends on your preference and lifestyle.

2. Make Plans & Set Goals

Unless you are highly disciplined, it is likely that you will always need something to continually push you toward tech independence.

Just as effective dieting requires careful planning, a successful tech detox necessitates designing a program that includes goals with varying levels of difficulty. It is up to you to determine your approach, but remember to follow the SMART criteria: goals should be Specific, Measurable, Accurate, Realistic, and Timely.

make plans set goals
Drawing up the Game Plan

First, consider questions such as, how will you spend the time that has been freed by eliminating technology?

In other words, explore alternatives to your tech-related activities. If all your hobbies revolve around technology, then it’s high time to find one that does not!

Don’t forget to reward yourself as well. Achieving your goals may inherently provide immense intrinsic satisfaction, but tangible gratifications, such as indulging in your favorite video game for a limited period before returning to detox, can also serve as a powerful motivational tool. Just ensure that you can tell yourself to stop when it’s time to do so.

3. Establish Healthy Habits

Old habits die hard. At times, it’s more than merely a tech addiction problem when you find yourself checking Facebook every other minute. This could be because the act is ingrained in your brain, similar to how you manage to brush your teeth while half-awake.

healthy habits

Even if you’re highly motivated and have devised an ideal plan for detoxification, habits can easily obstruct your progress. The great news is that, although bad habits are challenging to break, good habits can become equally resistant when cultivated over time.

Find New Hobbies

The caveat is that you will need to exercise patience in order to "reprogram" the way your mind functions. The most effective method to achieve this is by replacing your current habits with better ones, specifically non-technological alternative activities. Engage in reading a book or conversing about real-life topics with actual people.

By repeatedly making this conscious decision, these actions will eventually become second nature to you.

4. Tie Yourself to the Mast

For those familiar with Homer’s Odyssey, you may recall that Odysseus ordered his sailors to tie him tightly to the ship’s mast, and to ignore his pleas as he listened and reacted to the Sirens’ beautiful but deadly singing. The sailors followed his orders, and Odysseus became the only man to have heard the song of the sirens and survived.

Similarly, this tech detox will work if you diligently follow what you have planned out. However, concerning addiction, rationality will take a backseat when withdrawal symptoms appear. This is when you need to "tie yourself to the mast."

Keep Them Out of Reach

One extreme way would be to keep all your tech devices away so that you have no access to them. You would have no choice but to lead a tech-free life during that designated period. How about traveling to a less developed place where everyone is less dependent on technology?

Another way to accomplish this is by telling everyone your plans for a tech detox. That way, it will be harder for you to give yourself an excuse to quit (unless you are perfectly fine with explaining to everyone why you are a quitter).

In fact, why not announce it on Facebook or Twitter? That would be ironic, but judging from the crowds, it will be hard for you not to follow through.

5. Believe in the Power of Choice

When faced with the prospect of change, whether good or bad, humans tend to resist it. We justify maintaining the status quo by telling ourselves we have no choice but to stick to the old ways. However, the only constant in this world is change, and it is only by embracing it that we can truly possess the power of choice, as demonstrated by our growing dependence on technology.

digital detox

It seems increasingly impossible for us to live a day without our computers, smartphones, tablets, and the internet. It may appear reasonable to accept this ‘reality’ and not challenge it by engaging in something potentially daunting, such as a ‘tech detox.’ However, it is precisely this submission that deprives us of our power and freedom to choose what is best for us, be it technological or non-technological.


The aim of a tech detox is not to denounce technology as inferior. Instead, the purpose of such a detox is to help us realize that technology is not the sole aspect our lives should depend on. We don’t need to spend all our time watching TV or using smartphones. A tech detox will demonstrate that there is life beyond digital technology.

The post 5-Step Guide to a Complete Tech Detox appeared first on Hongkiat.

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