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CSS Container Queries

In traditional responsive design, we rely on media queries to change styles based on the overall viewport size. This works well for adjusting layouts …

Snappy Scroll with CSS Scroll Snap

CSS Scroll Snap was introduced to allow you to define snap points for scrollable elements. It ensures that the scrolling lands precisely at the desire…

8 Tips to Ace Your Phone Interview

Many interviewers use phone interviews as a pre-screening filter for further assessments. Think it’s a piece of cake getting ready for your phone in…

How to Write a Professional Query Letter

Editors are a busy lot, always deciding what goes into a publication and what does not. Hence, it’s no surprise that many print magazines do not enc…

:where() – CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

Managing CSS can be tricky, especially when styles need to override each other. This often makes it hard to keep the styles in the right places. To si…

A Look Into: CSS “:is” Selector

The CSS :is selector is a handy pseudo-selector that simplifies complex selector queries. It allows you to group multiple selectors into a single, mor…
