20 Photos That Will Make You Fall In Love Again
Discover stunning photos that will make you fall in love with photography all over again. Get inspired with our collection of breathtaking images.
The Web celebrates numerous cultures that have become ingrained in the tech generation: cosplay, memes, selfies, retro gaming, Internet lingo, geek culture, and street art, to name just a few.
In the Culture section, we highlight topics such as smartphone addiction, pop culture, and tech innovations like 3D printing. We also delve into the legacy of Microsoft research, online learning, professional gaming, e-sports, and personal development for freelancers.
Discover stunning photos that will make you fall in love with photography all over again. Get inspired with our collection of breathtaking images.
We’d all like to have a place to call our own, a spot in the world where we can say, "I am king of this spot". But space – or the lack of it – i…
The Onion Router aka TOR is a free software and open network that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. There is nothin…
Think treehouses are just backyard structures built for kids to play in? Well, think again. Constructed for different functions and in different forms…
The phrase “12-step-program” carries the connotation of addiction and it was purposely used in the title of this post. You see, in order to be con…
Nowadays, TV shows or movies insist on being hip and cool by throwing in a few tech plot points into the mix. However, the thing about Hollywood is th…
Smartphones are evolving at a rate that is beyond belief, coming out in the form of curved displays, changing the way we make payments, diagnosing ill…
Technology and nature have traditionally been viewed as divergent forces – technology often has been a means of creating objects or energies that do…
In 1915, Albert Einstein presented his brilliant and revolutionary theory of relativity. After completely devoting himself to its creation, without be…
Esports has already emerged as one of the most popular forms of sports entertainment enjoying a fan-following of millions across the globe. Due to its…
According to a popular saying, passwords are like underwear: change them often, keep them private, don’t share them with anyone else. Due to the lar…
A life hack is a strategy, technique, trick, or shortcut that can help make life easier – by speeding up efficiency, enhancing productivity, and som…