Preethi Ranjit

A .NET developer with a JavaScript background, Preethi is expert in front-end coding, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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Comprehensive Guide to CSS Pseudo-Classes and Their Usage

Whether you’re new to CSS or have years of experience, you’ve likely encountered pseudo-classes. The most commonly recognized pseudo-class is prob…

JavaScript Jargon: 10 Terms You Should Know

From currying to closures there are quite a number of JavaScript jargons (special words used within the field) knowing which will not only help you in…

Beginner’s Guide to Regular Expression (Regex)

A regular expression is a set of characters forming a pattern that can be searched in a string. Regex can be used for validation such as to validate c…

10 Cool Things HTML Tags Can Do

At the moment there are a total of 142 HTML elements standardized by W3C excluding the ones in the initial phases of standardization and those that we…

The Greatest Inventions in Computer Programming

In one of the conversations I’ve had with our senior editor, I was asked the question, “How did the first programmers program?” This led to a di…

CSS Floats Explained in Five Questions

CSS "Floats" (floating elements) are simple to use but once used, the effect it has on the elements around it sometimes get unpredictable. If you have…

How to Stream Truncated Audio Using MediaSource API

With the MediaSource API, you can generate and configure media streams right in the browser. It allows you to perform a variety of operations on media…

15 Useful Slack Tips You Should Know

Slack‘s simplicity and versatility quickly made it one of the most powerful productivity tools of our days, on which many teams rely in their day-to…

Creating Animated Favicon with JavaScript

Favicons are a crucial part of online branding, they give a visual cue to users, and help them distinguish your site from others. Although most favico…